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3. The Underworld

3.1 The Underworld Map Format

Description                     Offset          Num. Entries    Entry Size
1st Quest Levels 1-6 Data       100096          768             1
1st Quest Levels 7-9 Data       100864          768             1
2nd Quest Levels 1-6 Data       101632          768             1
2nd Quest Levels 7-9 Data       102400          768             1
Underworld Screen Table          90334          64              12
Underworld Column Directory      91908          10              2
Underworld Column Table 0        90838          7               varies
Underworld Column Table 1        90854          7               varies
Underworld Column Table 2        90884          7               varies
Underworld Column Table 3        90901          7               varies
Underworld Column Table 4        90918          7               varies
Underworld Column Table 5        90941          7               varies
Underworld Column Table 6        90964          7               varies
Underworld Column Table 7        90981          7               varies
Underworld Column Table 8        90999          7               varies
Underworld Column Table 9        91025          7               varies
Underworld Square Table          91928          8               1

3.2 Underworld Data

Underworld data consists of 768 bytes for a group of levels. There are 4 data blocks, one for levels 1-6 and 7-9 on each quest. Each data block contains maps and other information (not all deciphered yet). There is one Underworld Map in each data block: All levels in that block share a map. The map is 384 bytes from the start of the data, and is 128 bytes long. This is the Underworld Map referred to in the next section.

3.3 Underworld Levels

An underworld level is 8 by 8 screens, for up to 64 map screens per level. The screen number is used as an index into the Underworld Map for a particular level. Bits 0-5 of each byte in an underworld map are an index into the underworld screen table.

3.4 The Underworld Screen Table

There are 64 unique underworld screens for ALL of the underworld. Each byte in a map for an underworld level refers to one of these 64 possible screens in the underworld screen table. The Underworld Screen Table is a table with 64 entries. Each entry takes up 12 bytes, one for each column.

3.5 Underworld Screens

Every underworld screen has 12 columns. Each column byte has two parts: the high nibble is used to select a column table from the column directory, and the low nibble is used to select a column from that column table.

3.6 Underworld Columns

There are 10 underworld column tables (there could be up to 16, but the last 6 are unused). Each column table can have up to 16 columns. The columns in a column table are all run together like in the overworld column tables, with the beginning of individual columns marked by bit 7 being set.

Each column has 7 squares in it. Unlike the overworld, where columns can be from 6 to 11 bytes, underworld columns can be from 1 to 7 bytes. Bits 0-2 are a square number (index into the Underworld Square Table). Bit 3 seems to be unused. Bits 4-6 are a number from 0 to 6 indicating how many additional times to repeat this square. 0 means draw the square once, 1 means draw it twice, and so on. If the number was 7 it would not mean to draw the square 8 times, since a column has only 7 squares, the column would stop after the 7th square.

3.7 Underworld Squares

Since the square number is 3 bits, there are 8 possible squares in the underworld. There is no secondary square table. The square code is looked up in the single square table which is 8 bytes long. If the code is less than 112 or greater than 242, it is a tile pattern to draw for all 4 tiles in the square. Otherwise the code is the first in a sequence of 4 tile numbers (from Pattern Table 1) that form the upper left, lower left, upper right, and lower right tiles in the square.

All squares in a 12x7 underworld screen are always in the same place every time you enter the screen. There are no secrets like in the overworld that cause screens to look different (trees become stairs, rocks become doors, etc) when you enter them.

3.8 Underworld Doors

Finding Door Information

In each data block (see section "Underworld Data"), there are two tables relevant to doors. One table contains information about West and East doors, the other has information about North and South doors. Each door table is 128 bytes long. The N/S door table is at the very beginning of the data block. The W/E door table is immediately after it (128 bytes from the start of the data block). The screen number from 0 to 127 is an index to a particular entry in a door table.

Each door in each screen has a 3-bit door code. The door code for the north door is in bits 5-7 of the N/S door table, with bits 2-4 for the south door. Bits 5-7 of the W/E door table are for the West door, and bits 2-4 are for the East door. I don't know what bits 0 or 1 are for in any of these tables.

Door Codes

Code    Meaning
0       Open door
1       ?
2       ?
3       ?
4       Bombable
5       Key Door
6       Key Door
7       Shutter Door

Codes 1, 2, and 3 cause a regular wall to be drawn every time the screen is entered. I suspect one of these is the regular wall and one is the walk-through wall, and the other is unknown (possibly a duplicate of one of the others), but I don't know which of the 3 codes are which. Please e-mail me when you find out by modifying door codes.

There are two different kinds of key doors that look exactly alike but have a different code for some reason (codes 5 and 6).

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